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Is There Room for Intuition in Business?

By Ivan Misner — 2020

Our intuition, at least in part, is probably related to the experiences we’ve had and what we are doing is quickly processing an interpretation of a situation based on those experiences.

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Entrepreneurs Are Called to Be Socially Responsible

Since entrepreneurs are creators, they hold the power to make statements that can cause a ripple effect, impacting the masses in a positive or negative way (depending on how it’s being used).

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Corporate Social Responsibility Can Give Entrepreneurs an Edge

CSR might be the last thing on an entrepreneur’s mind when he or she sets out to start a successful business, but I’m now convinced it should be part of a company’s culture from Day 1.

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Social and Financial Capital: The Ingredients Black Women Business Owners Are Missing

Even though Black women are starting businesses at a rapid rate, their businesses earn less revenue, remain smaller, and have a higher failure rate.

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Understanding Cultural Entrepreneurship

A close look at entrepreneurship’s notion towards social reforms and responsibility, and how over time it has brought a positive change in our lives.

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Bart Houlahan: I Want to Redefine Success in Business

Bart, along with his partners Jay Coen Gilbert and Andrew Kassoy, co-founded B Lab.

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The Best Reasons to Structure Your Social Business as a B Corp.

In The Business of Good, serial and social entrepreneur Jason Haber intertwines case studies and anecdotes that show how social entrepreneurship is creating jobs, growing the economy, and ultimately changing the world.

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Rha Goddess: The Social Justice Artist

Our correspondent Aliss Terrell talks with Rha Goddess, social justice advocate, Hip Hop MC and producer, founder and CEO of Move The Crowd.

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