By Ilene Strauss Cohen — 2018
When we urgently aim to please other people, we’re seeking approval of self from outside sources. And whenever we reach for something in the outside world to give us what we should be giving ourselves, we set ourselves up for disappointment.
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No family is perfect! It’s far from it. All families experience some level of dysfunction. Most, however, manage pretty well despite it.
Understanding how and why can help people cope with the disorder.
An autism diagnosis affects the whole family. Explore ways to help parents, siblings, and extended family to live well with and support an autistic family member.
If you have ADHD, you might find it hard to date, make friends, or parent. That’s partly because good relationships require you to be aware of other people's thoughts and feelings. But ADHD can make it hard for you to pay attention or react the right way.
Recent studies suggests that kids with overinvolved parents and rigidly structured childhoods suffer psychological blowback in college.
Forgiving someone is a way of letting go of old baggage so that you can heal and move forward with your life. It benefits both the person who forgives and the offender because it can allow both people to let go of past resentments.
Conflict doesn’t mean the end of your remarriage, and can actually make it stronger. There are always going to be disagreements; you cannot avoid them entirely. What you can do, however, is become skilled at recovering from disputes by talking about your perspectives afterwards.
The job of operating a family-owned company is often grievously complicated by friction arising from rivalries involving a father and his son, brothers, or other family members who hold positions in the business, or at least derive income from it
Choosing a career isn’t easy, especially when your parents object to your proposed line of work. But sometimes, ignoring their advice and following your dreams can land you in the history books—just like these 15 people who followed their passions and made an impact.
When adult children feel that their parents do not support them, the pain is evident. And so we have what seems like an enigma: Why seek out connection with parents they’ve specifically defied? Why do these adult children need the approval of their parents even when they don’t agree with them?