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Engineer by Training, Craftsperson at Heart

By Duanduan Han — 2018

One way to find balance is to separate work from your outside life entirely, and leave science in the lab. But I see it differently: I have found joy and balance by joining my research and hobbies.

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Awakening Joy: 10 Steps to Happiness

Awakening Joy is more than just another book about happiness. More than simply offering suggested strategies to change our behavior, it uses time-tested practices to train the mind to learn new ways of thinking.

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One: The Movie

In a divided post 9-11 world, first-time filmmaker Ward Powers asks life's ultimate questions of world renowned spiritual leaders and ordinary people.

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Spiritual Emergency: When Personal Transformation Becomes a Crisis

Increasing numbers of people involved in personal transformation are experiencing spiritual emergencies—crises when the process of growth and change becomes chaotic and overwhelming.

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Work-Life Balance