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Engineer by Training, Craftsperson at Heart

By Duanduan Han — 2018

One way to find balance is to separate work from your outside life entirely, and leave science in the lab. But I see it differently: I have found joy and balance by joining my research and hobbies.

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How to Quit Your Job with No Regrets | Christine vs. Work

Is there a right way—and a wrong way—to quit your job? Here’s what to do and say in the moment.

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5 Clear Signs It’s Time to Leave Your Job

Even if you’re unhappy with your job, you may be tempted to stay and put up with the slow simmer of discontent out of fear of finding something new. Let’s see if you’re in the red zone where you’ve crossed the border into unhealthy, potentially damaging territory.

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The Art of Creative Rebellion: How to Champion Creativity, Change Culture and Save Your Soul

Can a creative mind thrive in a corporate landscape? Can a business leader use creativity to guide teams more effectively? From one of today’s leading creative minds comes a book for modern rebels on building a rewarding life without losing your edge.

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Choose Yourself!

The world is changing. Markets have crashed. Jobs have disappeared. Industries have been disrupted and are being remade before our eyes. Everything we aspired to for “security,” everything we thought was “safe,” no longer is: College. Employment. Retirement. Government.

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The 4-Hour Work Week: Escape 9–5, Live Anywhere and Join the New Rich

Forget the old concept of retirement and the rest of the deferred-life plan—there is no need to wait and every reason not to, especially in unpredictable economic times.

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Ask a Manager: How to Navigate Clueless Colleagues, Lunch-Stealing Bosses, and the Rest of Your Life at Work

There’s a reason Alison Green has been called “the Dear Abby of the work world.” Ten years as a workplace-advice columnist have taught her that people avoid awkward conversations in the office because they simply don’t know what to say.

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Work-Life Balance