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The Shadow of Perfectionism Doesn’t Need to Diminish You or Your Art

By Mihaela Ivan Holtz — 2021

When you get caught up in a drive to be perfect, you can’t find your emotional creative space.

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Understand Your Emotions to Grow and Heal

In McLaren’s view, we typically perceive emotions as problems, which we then thoughtlessly express or repress. She advocates a more mindful approach, where we step back and see our emotions as sources of information.

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Repressing or Expressing Emotions? There’s Another Choice!

I don’t know what happened to emotions in this society. They are the least understood, most maligned, and most ridiculously over-analyzed aspects of human life.

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How Our Brains Can Find Peace in a Crisis

Psychologist Rick Hanson discusses how to strengthen our capacity for wisdom, peace, and enlightenment.

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When Rage Goes Viral: 4 Strategies to Cope with Anger in a Healthy Way

Our world is in the midst of an emotional meltdown. People are restless, volatile, our tempers about to blow. Why is rage so rampant? What is the solution?

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3 Steps to Rekindle the Passion in Your Job

Fatigue is lethal to inspiration. Avoid anyone who drains. Go towards energy hot spots in your job—people and activities—so your time is skewed towards inspiration.

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Unplug and Recharge: When Burnout Fries Your Motivation

When burnout wipes the canvas clean, it is an invitation to pick through the ashes and make life new again.

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‘I Realized I Don’t Have to Believe My Thoughts’

Our mindfulness practice is not about vanquishing our thoughts. It’s about becoming aware of the process of thinking so that we are not in a trance—lost inside our thoughts.

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The Four Keys to Well-Being

Dr. Richard Davidson explains that well-being is a skill that can be practiced and strengthened.

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Creative Well-Being