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The Shadow of Perfectionism Doesn’t Need to Diminish You or Your Art

By Mihaela Ivan Holtz — 2021

When you get caught up in a drive to be perfect, you can’t find your emotional creative space.

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The Extra Stigma of Mental Illness for African-Americans

Our culture has taught us that we do not have the privilege of being vulnerable like other communities.

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Exploring the Mental Health Stigma in Black Communities

The Black community is more inclined to say that mental illness is associated with shame and embarrassment. Individuals and families in the Black community are also more likely to hide the illness.

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Marginalized Mental Health Matters: What Experts Want You to Know

Seven professionals from across the US sat down with Verywell Mind to share insights about how they are improving the mental health discourse to better address the needs of marginalized groups.

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‘I Allow Myself a Mini-Wallow’: How to Handle Rejection in the Arts

No matter how talented you are, if you work in the creative arts, you’ll likely experience rejection—whether it’s losing a job, or getting your ideas, art, funding applications, or pitches turned down.

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100+ Ways to Inspire Creative Thinking

As a writer, I am in constant search for inspiration. Sometimes it comes to me out of the blue, but for the most part, I have to work hard for it. If only the solution were as simple as flipping a switch! Having creativity exercises on deck might just serve to unleash your creativity.

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Are You an Artist Who Suffers From Occasional or Chronic Low Self-Esteem?

very often even the most talented and intelligent artists don’t see their positive qualities and achievements from an objective perspective. They notice their weaknesses and fail to attain their objectives. In my opinion, most artists could use a lesson on how to improve self-esteem.

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Are Self-Esteem and Creativity Connected?

You have what it takes to make art, if you make the choice to take what it takes. None of us knows whether our work will end up being great or not great, remembered or forgotten.

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Manipulating the Paradox of Perfectionism: Promoting Healthy Perfectionism in Sport

Elite athletes are known for their exceptional physiology. Arguably, their superior strength, power, endurance and biomechanics all play a key role in enabling their success.

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Perfectionism: Too Much of a Good Thing?

Adam Nicholls explains the upsides and downsides of perfectionism in sport, and how to manage perfectionism to maximise performance.

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Creative Well-Being