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Creative Burnout Is Inevitable. Here Are 10 Ways to Beat It

By Co.Design and the Creative Independent — 2018

Ten pros share their tricks for staying engaged with your work.

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7 Ways of Unpacking Fears of Leaving a Job and Striking Out on Your Own

Many of us have thought of or dreamed about leaving that job to pursue our dreams, maybe start a business, or pursue our passion. While there are practical issues to consider, we also need to overcome the inertia that comes with the fear we experience when taking a major new direction in our lives.

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What Loneliness Does to the Human Body

The bodies of lonely people are markedly different from the bodies of non-lonely people.

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Healing and Creativity: SARK and Others

In an interview, SARK said she knows that art is healing “because of how it heals me and how I see it healing other people every day. Through art, we come alive through the deep connections to our souls and spirits.”

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SARK on Being an Artist and Dealing with Our Inner Critic

As part of the 2018 Transformational Author Experience, host Christine Kloser provided a free Playbook with contributions by multiple authors including Susan Ariel Rainbow Kennedy, better known as SARK.

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Feeling Weighed Down by Regret? What Helps Me Let Go

If we can process our regrets with tenderness and compassion, we can use these hard memories as a part of our wisdom bank.

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The Power of Sustainable Self-Care

Shelly Tygielski explores how consistently showing up for yourself first lays the foundation for our life’s purpose—showing up for others—and how to create your own self-care practice.

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8 Signs of Burnout at Work (And How to Deal with It)

Learn how to spot these 8 signs of burnout at work, including symptoms, subtypes of job burnout, examples and how to deal with burnout at work.

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The Truth Behind What It Means When You Have A Really Vivid Dream

Are you having unusually realistic dreams? Here’s what science can tell you.

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A Place to Play, on Wheels or Feet

At other parks, she said: “I feel alone because nobody wants to play with me. They think I’m weird. When I come here, everybody wants to play with me.

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It’s Perfectly OK to Call a Disabled Person ‘Disabled,’ and Here’s Why

We’ve been taught to refer to people with disabilities using person-first language, but that might be doing more harm than good.

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