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Gay Breakups Are Better, and Here’s Why

By Jill Gutowitz — 2018

The LGBTQ community is known for its emphasis on tolerance, but one of our progressive dating phenomena is particularly worth praising and sharing. It’s quite common to become friends with exes.

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LGBTQIA+ Affirmation and Safety: ‘Belonging, Like Air, Is a Fundamental Human Need’

Being able to safely affirm one’s gender identity and sexual orientation is crucial to mental and physical well-being. Yet many LGBTQIA+ people face enormous challenges in owning their true identities.

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The Road to Diversity

In this 2011 Buddhadharma Forum, Larry Yang, Amanda Rivera, Bob Agoglia, and Rev. angel Kyodo williams discuss how to foster meaningful diversity in American Buddhism.

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Belonging to Ourselves and Each Other

Creating spaces where the need to assimilate, conform, and belong are no longer important

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Pushing Past Tokenism

La Sarmiento has been a leader of American LGBTQ and people-of-color Buddhist communities for close to a decade. I caught up with the trans, queer Filipino teacher before a silent retreat to discuss the dynamics of race and gender in a world that is typically White, cisgender and straight.

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Seimone Augustus Found Her Voice Long Before Coaching

Augustus, laden with championship rings and now an assistant with the Los Angeles Sparks, first realized her true strength fighting for L.G.B.T.Q. rights.

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Meet a Teacher: Larry Yang

Meditation teacher Larry Yang recently told his personal story and answered Lion’s Roar‘s “Meet a Teacher” questionnaire; they follow here so that you can get to know him better.

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Hey, Supreme Court Justices, Same-Gender Marriages Are Not Experiments!

As the Supreme Court justices grilled the lawyers on both sides of the marriage equality cases before them, I found myself getting irritated at suggestions that the country may not be ready for full marriage equality, and at questions about the potential impact of same-gender marriages on...

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Divorce and Breakup