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Coming Out Later in Life: A How-to Guide

By Nick Levine — 2020

Though pop culture often portrays queer people successfully coming out young, a generation of our closeted LGBTQ elders might disagree.

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What Scares Me About Getting Old

I’ve discovered that growing older hasn’t been a Lego-like replacement of “young” Ken figures with increasingly older versions. Instead, all of these younger selves are still very much alive and thriving, layered and integrated over the years.

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It’s Time to Retire Retirement

Based on the results of their yearlong research project, the authors of this article offer recommendations for gaining the loyalty of older workers and creating a more flexible approach to retirement that allows people to continue contributing well into their sixties and seventies.

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Rethinking Retirement

The days and nights and years could be long — if you’re lucky. Here are some tips to make them meaningful, too.

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Coming Out