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Coming Out Later in Life: A How-to Guide

By Nick Levine — 2020

Though pop culture often portrays queer people successfully coming out young, a generation of our closeted LGBTQ elders might disagree.

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Cover Star Lil Nas X’s Road to Becoming Montero

The ever-viral artist discusses his meteoric rise and the pressures of being a Black gay musician on a global stage.

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Coming Out Is Hard. SCOTUS Is Making It Harder.

But being your authentic self is now more important than ever.

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The Risks of Coming Out at Work

Although society has made many strides in queer acceptance and visibility, coming out at work is still a monumental—and sometimes risky—task for many LGBTQ workers.

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Many LGBTQ Seniors Don’t Get the Health and End-of-Life Care They Need. Some Coloradans Are Working to Change That

According to a study recently published in The Gerontologist, older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer often face discrimination during end-of-life care. They’re also more likely to have their health care wishes ignored or disregarded.

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How Exclusion From the Military Strengthened Gay Identity in America

Armed forces long prohibited gay people from service – but that only encouraged their communities and cause.

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LGBTQ American Indians Report High Levels of Depression and Abuse, Study Finds

“If LGBTQ people get assaulted or beaten up in a hate crime on tribal land, it’s often not prosecuted,” one advocate said.

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Small Daily Struggles Make LGBT People Feel Like They Have to Hide

One big surprise (to straight people at least) is that over two thirds of LGBT people avoid holding hands in public.

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Not Up for Debate: LGBTQ People Need and Deserve Tailored Sexual and Reproductive Health Care

All people, including those who identify as lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and queer (LGBTQ), need sexual and reproductive health care.

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Speaking of Psychology: The History of LGBTQ Psychology from Stonewall to Now, with Peter Hegarty, PhD

Over the past decades, the focus of LGBTQ activism has shifted and evolved, from the AIDS crisis in the 1980s to the fight for marriage equality to the focus on transgender rights today.

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How HIV Impacts LGBTQ+ People

While HIV affects Americans from all walks of life, the epidemic continues to disproportionately impact certain members of the LGBTQ+ community.

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Coming Out