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Coming Out Later in Life: A How-to Guide

By Nick Levine — 2020

Though pop culture often portrays queer people successfully coming out young, a generation of our closeted LGBTQ elders might disagree.

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Latinx Actor Vico Ortiz Talks Coming Out Non-Binary, Breaking Down Gendered Barriers

“In Latin America, there’s been a great deal of progress around gay and lesbian identities,” Ortiz says. “But with being transgender and non-binary, a lot of people are still unsure what it all means and I believe it’s connected to the words we use.”

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For Two Spirits, an Opportunity to Reclaim Acceptance Across Indian Country

The term “Two Spirit” in Native American culture often describes a person possessing both male and female spirits. And they’ve been around well before the Santa Maria or the Mayflower dropped anchor.

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LGBTQ+ Celebrities Making It Easier to Be Black, Out, and Proud

These black women and gender-nonconforming individuals have created a space for other young girls and nonbinary persons to feel seen and heard.

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The Risks of Coming Out at Work

Although society has made many strides in queer acceptance and visibility, coming out at work is still a monumental—and sometimes risky—task for many LGBTQ workers.

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The Link Between Autism and Trans Identity

Confusion over why autism is so prevalent among transgender people may be limiting their access to medical care.

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Why Identifying as Queer Can Be Harder for Those with Autism

Autistic queer folk may experience struggles for acceptance in both identities.

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Their Time

After generations in the shadows, the intersex rights movement has a message for the world: We aren’t disordered and we aren’t ashamed.

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The Importance of Social Media When It Comes to LGBTQ Kids Feeling Seen

For LGBTQ youth in particular, the Internet can be a refuge—a safe place to feel less alone. For queer youth to feel normal, they need to see, read and hear the voices of others who look like them and use the same identifying labels.

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The Renegades

Queer culture and the arts would be much poorer without the presence and contribution of butch and stud lesbians, whose identity is both its own aesthetic and a defiant repudiation of the male gaze.

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With ‘No Fats, No Femmes,’ Fatima Jamal Aims for More than Just Visibility and Representation

“Representation and visibility is given to us by larger power structures, but what do we give ourselves? I’m more interested in that. What questions are we asking ourselves to grow and heal? To challenge the ways this world constantly teaches us to hate ourselves?”

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Coming Out