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Coming Out Later in Life: A How-to Guide

By Nick Levine — 2020

Though pop culture often portrays queer people successfully coming out young, a generation of our closeted LGBTQ elders might disagree.

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I Joined Airbnb at 52, and Here’s What I Learned About Age, Wisdom, and the Tech Industry

Perhaps a little more intergenerational learning is just what other high-tech firms need.

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How Midlife Professionals Can Leverage Their Age, Wisdom, and Experience More Powerfully at Work

In our increasingly accelerated world that reveres the young, many midlife professionals sense that the ground is shifting beneath their feet, leaving them feeling invisible, undervalued and threatened by the digital natives nipping at their heels.

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Sister Joan Chittister on Freedom in Our Later Years

As we grow older, we no longer need to “fit in” but are free to be ourselves and explore new ideas.

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The Four Keys to Well-Being

Dr. Richard Davidson explains that well-being is a skill that can be practiced and strengthened.

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Coming Out