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How Athletes Can Build a Better Connection Between the Mind and Body

By Lance Watson

Creating a better connection between your mind and body is often neglected by athletes. Use these tips from coach Lance Watson to train your mind and reassess your preconceived limits during the off season.

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Runner's High: How a Movement of Cannabis-Fueled Athletes Is Changing the Science of Sports

Michael Pollan's How to Change Your Mind meets Christopher McDougall's Born to Run in this immersive, investigative look at the hidden culture of cannabis use among elite athletes (as well as weekend warriors)--and the surprising emerging science behind the elusive, exhilarating "runner's high"...

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Does CBD Improve Mental Health?

CBD is so hot right now. The compound is being added to everything from gummies to lattes, attached to claims about how it can improve health in any number of ways. But what do we really know about the validity of those claims? And what are we actually getting in consumer CBD products?

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The Athlete's Guide to CBD: Treat Pain and Inflammation, Maximize Recovery, and Sleep Better Naturally

In this comprehensive guide, veteran sports author Scott Douglas breaks down the many ways athletes can benefit from using CBD products, and answers all the questions that the “CBD-curious” might have.

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Percy Harvin Says He Was High Every Game He Played | Untold Stories

Former NFL star Percy Harvin tells B/R’s Master Tesfatsion he was high for every game he played because of issues he had with anxiety. The former Seahawk also tells all on the fight he got into with Golden Tate ahead of Super Bowl XLVIII—before Marshawn Lynch played peacemaker.

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Athlete Well-Being