By Steven Petrow — 2017
The scar represented the loss of my younger self’s sense of invulnerability, and — no surprise — triggered a fear of death.
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I always had one goal in mind, which was to be able-bodied again.
Internalized ableism occurs when disabled people internalize stigmatizing messages in society, like the low expectations that are often placed on those with disabilities. These expectations usually present in two ways.
When you discuss a complementary therapy with your health care team and they agree that it is safe to try as part of your overall cancer care, this is called “integrative medicine.”
Women undergoing chemotherapy for breast cancer who stayed physically active had fewer problems with memory and thinking.
The best treatment for the bone-crushing fatigue caused by cancer and its treatment may be the very last one you'd imagine. It's exercise.
A panel of experts has released guidelines stating that regular exercise can help prevent cancer as well as help people undergoing cancer treatment.
Don't stop moving. Research confirms that exercising can help you not just survive but thrive during and after cancer.
Research shows exercise can ease things like panic attacks or mood and sleep disorders, and a recent study in the journal Lancet Psychiatry found that popular team sports may have a slight edge over the other forms of physical activity.
The line between failure and success can come down to something as simple as self-talk. Powerful and positive self-talk can change your entire mindset, which can affect your actions.