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Ask the Teachers: What Does it Mean to Understand Buddhism Through the Body?

By Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam, Meido Moore, Roxanne Dault — 2021

Roxanne Dault, Meido Moore, and Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam discuss what it means to understand Buddhism through the body — the heart of the Buddhist path.

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Can Mysticism Help Us Solve the Mind-Body Problem?

I just spent a week at a symposium on the mind-body problem, the deepest of all mysteries. The mind-body problem--which encompasses consciousness, free will and the meaning of life--concerns who we really are.

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Spirituality, Mental Health, and Therapy: The Mind-Body-Spirit Connection

Spirituality, physical and mental health are often thought of as three separate tracks in a person's life. This six-part series aims to begin stitching them together, along with therapy, to reveal the critical areas where they influence each other.

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One Word Is the Answer to Everything

It’s a surprising answer that looks far from obvious, but space joins a long list of candidates as old as the written word.

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