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Ask the Teachers: What Does it Mean to Understand Buddhism Through the Body?

By Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam, Meido Moore, Roxanne Dault — 2021

Roxanne Dault, Meido Moore, and Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam discuss what it means to understand Buddhism through the body — the heart of the Buddhist path.

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8 Things to Know About Meditation for Health

Meditation is a mind and body practice that has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation, improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-being.

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The Extraordinary Power of the Imagination in Healing

You could argue that there’s three coding languages, one being your native language, the second being mathematics, [or] ways of representing the world internally to yourself, and the third is through imagery.

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Body Language

When Marc Ian Barasch was thirty-five years old, he had a series of vivid and startlingly detailed dreams about cancer. Though he had no physical symptoms, he went to see a doctor, insisted on medical tests, and was diagnosed with thyroid cancer.

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Rest in Your Buddhanature

Your true nature is like the sky, says Mingyur Rinpoche, its love and wisdom unaffected by the clouds of life. You can access it with this awareness meditation.

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Can Meditation Really Cure Disease?

A growing body of research now links the Eastern practice to improved conditions for serious ailments, from diabetes to heart disease to cancer.

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