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Ask the Teachers: What Does it Mean to Understand Buddhism Through the Body?

By Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam, Meido Moore, Roxanne Dault — 2021

Roxanne Dault, Meido Moore, and Lopön Charlotte Z. Rotterdam discuss what it means to understand Buddhism through the body — the heart of the Buddhist path.

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Diamond Approach Inquiry: Discovering Inner Freedom

We can temporarily push our ego away or try to rearrange our personality to be happier, freer, or more realized. But ego comes back. And that’s where Diamond Approach inquiry comes in. We all have awareness and inquiry helps us harness awareness to dissolve ego instead of pushing it away.

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How Can a Buddhist Strive to “Save All Beings” Without Inflating Their Ego?

Instead of believing we are such great people for helping others, we can thank all beings for allowing us to be of service.

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No Excuses

There are no obstacles, just opportunities. Take them now.

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