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It’s Time to Talk About the Cost of Emotional Labor at Work

By Lindsay Kohler — 2021

Much like the struggle to recognize the economic contributions of childcare for stay-at-home parents, there could be a similar gap in the working world. The definition of emotional labor being used here is that of unpaid, invisible work. While invisible, this work is an important part of problem-solving in the workplace.

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When More Isn’t Better: Dealing with Burnout in Competitive Sports

Sport is a place for girls to learn social interaction, hard work, the triumphs of success and coping skills when faced with failure. However, when recreational athletics turn to intense competitive sports, burnout is too often the result.

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The Burnout We Can’t Talk About: Parent Burnout

New research demonstrates parental burnout has serious consequences. As defined by the study, burnout is an exhaustion syndrome, characterized by feeling overwhelmed, physical and emotional exhaustion, emotional distancing from one’s children, and a sense of being an ineffective parent.

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I Am the Founder of a Happiness App, Here Are the 5 Ways I Prevent Burnout

Poppy Jamie, the founder of Happy Not Perfect, shares her 5 non-negotiable practices to prevent burnout from taking over her life.

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Preventing Burnout & Recharging Your Batteries—Bulletproof Radio Podcast with Arianna Huffington

Arianna Huffington is worried that burnout is destroying your body. Burnout is the ultimate mind, body, and spirit killer.

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Is Burnout Real? The Answer Is Yes

To be clear, burnout is real. And it’s also a complicated and nuanced syndrome (or whatever it’s being called these days).

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Avoid Burnout Before You’re Already Burned Out

You don’t have to be ready to throw in the towel to improve things at work. These small changes can go a long way.

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When Passion Leads to Burnout

When we equate work we love with “not really working,” it propagates a belief that if we love it so much, we should do more of it—all of the time, actually. But this mentality leads to burnout, and the impact on our mental health can be profound.

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A Guide to Burnout

Burnout is a state of mental and physical exhaustion that can zap the joy out of your career, friendships, and family interactions.

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Burnout: Facing the Damage of ‘Chronic Workplace Stress’

In a world where it seems as though the pressure to perform is always on, more and more people are admitting to burnout at work. What is this phenomenon, and how can you cope with it if it happens to you?

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What Are the 5 Stages of Burnout?

Burnout is the state of mind that comes with long-term, unresolved stress that can negatively affect your work and your life. In an ideal world, nobody would experience burnout.

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Emotional Labor