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It’s Time to Talk About the Cost of Emotional Labor at Work

By Lindsay Kohler — 2021

Much like the struggle to recognize the economic contributions of childcare for stay-at-home parents, there could be a similar gap in the working world. The definition of emotional labor being used here is that of unpaid, invisible work. While invisible, this work is an important part of problem-solving in the workplace.

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How Googlers Avoid Burnout (and Secretly Boost Creativity)

You have to “turn it off” to “turn it on” when it matters most.

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8 Signs You Have Creative Burnout—and It’s Affecting Your Mental Health

Creative burnout can happen to all of us, even those who consider themselves naturally creative people.

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Ways to Push Past Creative Burnout

Two coaches talk about reigniting passion for your work

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Creative Burnout Is Inevitable. Here Are 10 Ways to Beat It

Ten pros share their tricks for staying engaged with your work.

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How to Avoid Burnout in Youth Sports

A couple of months of the year, encourage them to do something else. If they play soccer, they could switch off to tennis.

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Burnout in Sport and Performance

Athlete burnout is a cognitive-affective syndrome characterized by perceptions of emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced accomplishment, and devaluation of sport.

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Burnout Can Happen to Any Athlete. Here’s How Two of the Best Got Over It

And it can affect anyone who specializes in one activity—even kids on sports teams.

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How to Prevent Athlete Burnout

Burnout is hard to define. For this article, I’m referring to the point in time where it’s a good for an athlete to take a break from conventional training; the specific time in a career or training phase where they need some time away.

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How Perfectionism Leads to Athlete Burnout

Setting high goals is great, but how you deal with falling short determines how long you’re willing to keep chasing them.

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Understanding Student-Athlete Burnout

What leads to burnout is too much training stress coupled with too little recovery. Training stress can come from a variety of sources on and off the field, such as physical, travel, time, academic or social demands.

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Emotional Labor