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It’s Time to Talk About the Cost of Emotional Labor at Work

By Lindsay Kohler — 2021

Much like the struggle to recognize the economic contributions of childcare for stay-at-home parents, there could be a similar gap in the working world. The definition of emotional labor being used here is that of unpaid, invisible work. While invisible, this work is an important part of problem-solving in the workplace.

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Caregiver Burnout: Steps for Coping wth Stress

Recognize the signs and get the help you need to reduce the toll on your body and mind

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Recognizing Caregiver Burnout

Caregivers who are “burned out” may have fatigue, stress, anxiety, and depression.

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Caregiver Burnout

Caregiver burnout is a state of physical, emotional and mental exhaustion. Stressed caregivers may experience fatigue, anxiety and depression. Some ways to prevent burnout include joining a caregiver support group and using respite care services.

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Burnout Is a Serious Problem—How One Start-up Founder Beat It to Have a ‘Healthier, Balanced Life’

Research shows that entrepreneurs are more likely than most to suffer from mental health conditions—a factor of their high-stress jobs and the psychological traits that steer people toward starting a business in the first place.

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Entrepreneurial Stress: Three Strategies to Avoid Burning Out

We can look at entrepreneurship in one of two ways: as the ultimate self-employment paradise, where you are truly the master of your own destiny, or as an endless source of stress, sleeplessness and anxiety.

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Fallow Season ~ Burnout, Fatigue, and Sacred Rest

Within the world of agriculture, there is a vital part of crop growing known as letting land “lie fallow.” To fallow a piece of earth is to leave it Irene Glasse writes that we need to look to the land to teach us how to approach this time of spiritual, emotional, and psychological exhaustion.

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How to Care Less About Work

As we peer around the corner of the pandemic, let’s talk about what we want to do—and not do—with the rest of our lives.

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9 Ways to Prevent Burnout

You would think that avoiding burnout would simply be a matter of not crossing a threshold of fatigue. Burnout is not that simple.

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What I Learned About Creativity and Burnout from Interviewing 50 Artists

After nearly a year of dealing with this pandemic, I decided it was time to reach out to my community to discuss the challenges we were all facing. The biggest challenge being burnout.

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Creative Burnout: When the Creativity Tap Runs Dry

Creativity is fragile: it needs to be fed enough inspiration, but not too much, for consuming an excessive amount of information may destroy its delicate balance. It needs space to grow, but should not be forced, for mechanical work may lead to lifeless output.

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Emotional Labor