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It’s Time to Talk About the Cost of Emotional Labor at Work

By Lindsay Kohler — 2021

Much like the struggle to recognize the economic contributions of childcare for stay-at-home parents, there could be a similar gap in the working world. The definition of emotional labor being used here is that of unpaid, invisible work. While invisible, this work is an important part of problem-solving in the workplace.

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Why We May Be Measuring Burnout All Wrong

The pandemic has pushed many to the brink. But although we're exhausted and overwhelmed, some experts say we're not actually as burned out as we may think.

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What Does it Mean to Be Creative at the End of the World?

A few months and many deaths ago, I woke up exhausted, again. Every morning, I felt like I was rebuilding myself from the ground up. Waking up was hard. Getting to my desk to write was hard. Taking care of my body was hard. Remembering the point of it all was hard.

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By Now, Burnout Is a Given

The pandemic has stripped our emotional reserves even further, laying bare our unique physical, social, and emotional vulnerabilities.

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Preventing Parent Burnout

Meeting the emotional challenges of caring for children with mental health issues. Parenting is hard work, and parenting a child with mental health issues is exponentially harder.

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Why Fantasizing About Rage-Quitting Is So Universal

From blatant sabotage to bowing out in a blaze of glory, these resignation fantasies will make you feel less alone.

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8 Signs of Burnout at Work (And How to Deal with It)

Learn how to spot these 8 signs of burnout at work, including symptoms, subtypes of job burnout, examples and how to deal with burnout at work.

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Neurodiversity, Empathy, Anxiety, and Burnout – a Roller Coaster of Intertwined Emotions?

I am thinking about some complex interactions in the way we behave day-to-day and how for some, this may result in exhaustion and 'burnout'. What is interesting and relevant to neurodiversity is the interplay of cognitive and affective empathy.

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‘The Battery’s Dead’: Burnout Looks Different in Autistic Adults

Autistic traits can amplify the conditions that lead to burnout, and burnout can cause these traits to worsen.

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5 Tips for College Students to Avoid Burnout

As a researcher who specializes in identifying strategies to help college students get through their first year of college, I’d like to offer a few tips to help students avoid burnout.

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5 Things College Students Should Include in a Plan for Their Wellness

Here are five essential things that any wellness plan for incoming college students should address.

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Emotional Labor