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Trusting Her Intuition Led to Two Cancer Diagnoses

By Debra Goldschmidt — 2013

“She moved the bar in her own favor by being proactive and trusting her intuition”

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A Positive Outlook May Be Good for Your Health

There is no longer any doubt that what happens in the brain influences what happens in the body. When facing a health crisis, actively cultivating positive emotions can boost the immune system and counter depression.

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Coping wth Fear of Recurrence

After treatment ends, one of the most common concerns survivors have is that the cancer will come back. The fear of recurrence is very real and entirely normal. Although you cannot control whether the cancer returns, you can control how much the fear of recurrence affects your life.

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The Get-Away-from-It-All Strategy for Solving Your Problems

You're searching for an answer, an insight. Then it startles you: Bang! Annie Gottlieb reports on Dr. Herbert Benson's electrifying concept.

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Mayo Mindfulness: Overcoming Negative Self-Talk

Positive thinking helps with stress management and can even improve your health. Practice overcoming negative self-talk with examples provided.

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Positive Self-Talk: How Talking to Yourself Is a Good Thing

Self-talk is your internal dialogue. It’s influenced by your subconscious mind, and it reveals your thoughts, beliefs, questions, and ideas.

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Burnout: Facing the Damage of ‘Chronic Workplace Stress’

In a world where it seems as though the pressure to perform is always on, more and more people are admitting to burnout at work. What is this phenomenon, and how can you cope with it if it happens to you?

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Help Your Team Manage Stress, Anxiety, and Burnout

It can be tough enough to manage your own stress. But how can you, as a manager, help the members of your team handle their feelings of stress, burnout, or disengagement?

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Are You Working too Hard?

We all know that unmanaged stress can be destructive. But are there positive sides to stress as well?

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