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Trusting Her Intuition Led to Two Cancer Diagnoses

By Debra Goldschmidt — 2013

“She moved the bar in her own favor by being proactive and trusting her intuition”

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5 Steps to Navigate the Cancer Caregiving Journey

Information and conversation are key to facing the challenges of care

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How to Be a Friend to Someone with Cancer

Research has shown that people with cancer need support from friends. You can make a big difference in the life of someone with cancer.

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Emotions and Coping as You Near the End of Life

This is written for the person with advanced cancer, but it can be helpful to the people who care for, love, and support this person, too.

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When a Coworker Has Cancer: What to Say

When a coworker is diagnosed with cancer, most people simply don’t know what to say. Speechless is the usual reaction.

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Living in the Limbo of Chronic Illness

Last week was the one-year anniversary of the beginning of my husband’s health crisis. As I gaze at the permanent handicap placard and at him sleeping, once again, on the couch, I’ve been reflecting on what I’ve learned this past year.

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