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The 7 Stages of Becoming a Stepparent

By Blended Family Frappe

Stepparenting itself— that is, forming a relationship with someone else's kid— isn't the hard part. It's the intense, conflicted emotions you experience as part of the transition into becoming a stepparent that are the real killer.

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How Latin America’s Obsession With Whiteness Is Hurting Us

Close to 11% of American adults with Hispanic ancestors don’t even identify as Hispanic or Latino.

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The Realities of Raising a Kid of a Different Race

As transracial adoption becomes more common, here’s what every parent should know.

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Obama’s People and the African Americans: The Language of Othering

To the list of identities Black people in America have assumed or been asked to, we can now add, thanks to this presidential election season, “Obama’s people” and “the African Americans.”

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Blended Families