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10 Ways to Empower Your Daughter to Be a Leader in STEM

By Cristal Glangchai — 2018

Try these tips to help her overcome the typical barriers girls face.

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3 Ways to Embrace Neurodiversity in the Workplace

In a work world dominated by automation, digitalization, and increasing incivility, the need for one group of workers, those whom I call “sensitive strivers,” has never been greater.

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The Importance of Self-Discovery: Why Your Child Needs to Probe Her Neurodiversity

Give your child the self-esteem and skills to become a self-actualized adult who embraces self-discovery. That is every parent’s goal, but it is especially challenging—and important—when your child is neurodivergent. Use these four steps to help your child on that journey.

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Success Isn’t Just about Climbing the Corporate Ladder. Here’s Why 24 Entrepreneurs Quit Their Corporate Jobs to Start Their Own Companies.

Whatever their reasoning — a need for flexibility, a lack of representation, or a yearning to have more of an impact — their inspiring stories of leaving their corporate jobs beautifully illustrate that success is not a one-size-fits-all destination but rather an exciting journey filled with endless...

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Frustrated at Work? That Might Just Lead to Your Next Breakthrough

Frustration is the feeling of being blocked from a goal. Although it sounds like a destructive emotion, it can actually be a source of creative fuel.

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The Best Way To Raise A Strong Daughter Is By Starting Early

The world puts limits on girls, telling them what they can't do because they are girls. As a result, girls learn to play it safe, look pretty and smile. Instead, we can teach her to use phrases such as "I will try," "I can improve," and "I am going to do this."

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An Expert’s View: Sir Ken Robinson

Our new Learning sections will feature a question-and-answer segment with an education expert. For our first installment, we’ve chosen Sir Ken Robinson, a best-selling author and longtime advocate of transforming education.

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The Future of Education: We Live in a Social World

Education is a dynamic system, not a static one. It's not an impersonal, inert engineering system; it’s constantly in flux. It exists in the actions and activities of people every day and is subject to all kinds of conflicting forces and fluctuations.

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Standardization Broke Education. Here’s How We Can Fix Our Schools

“The movement towards personalization is already advancing in medicine. We must move quickly in that direction in education, too.”

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Should You Be Grateful for the Hardest Thing in Your Life?

One trait of highly successful people is having a positive outlook on life, always moving forward, always learning – especially when it’s hard. We’re not typically grateful for the “worst” things in our lives. If we want to have a growth mindset, we should be.

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Are You Solving the Right Problem?

“If I were given one hour to save the planet, I would spend 59 minutes defining the problem and one minute resolving it,” Albert Einstein said.

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Female Empowerment