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10 Hardest Things About Being a New Mom

By Lissa Harnish Poirot — 2020

Why the first weeks with baby are so tough—and how to get through them.

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She Looks Just Like You: A Memoir of (Nonbiological Lesbian) Motherhood

After ten years of talking about having children, two years of trying (and failing) to conceive, and one shot of donor sperm for her partner, Amie Miller was about to become a mother. Or something like that. Over the next nine months, as her partner became the biological mom-to-be, Miller became . .

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The Other Mother: A Wickedly Honest Parenting Tale for Every Kind of Family

I’m Jen Brister: stand-up comedian, middle-aged adolescent, and mum. But not that mum—I’m the other one. Confused? Two years ago, my partner (a woman—we’re not solicitors) gave birth to twins. (I know! Believe me, I’m still reeling myself.

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Love, No Matter What | Andrew Solomon

What is it like to raise a child who’s different from you in some fundamental way (like a prodigy, or a differently abled kid, or a criminal)? In this quietly moving talk, writer Andrew Solomon shares what he learned from talking to dozens of parents—asking them: What’s the line between...

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15 Things You Didn’t Know about Being a Lesbian Mom

In this 15 Things You Didn’t Know About Being a Lesbian Mom video, we'll try to answer the following questions: What to know about being a lesbian mom? Why Being a mother is so special? What is it like to have 2 moms? What it means to be a good mom? What it means to become a mother? What is...

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Raised by Unicorns: Stories from People with LGBTQ+ Parents

In recent years, the world has been saturated by endless blogs, articles, and books devoted to the subject of LGBTQ+ parenting. On the flip side, finding stories written by the children of LGBTQ+ parents is akin to searching for a needle in a haystack.

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Lesbian and Gay Foster Care and Adoption (Second Edition)

Featuring a spectrum of families from diverse backgrounds, this book reveals the joys and challenges of adoptive and foster parenting.

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The Ultimate Guide for Gay Dads: Everything You Need to Know About LGBTQ Parenting But Are (Mostly) Afraid to Ask

If You are Thinking of Becoming a Gay Dad, or if You are Already a Gay Dad ─ This Book is for You! Are you ready to have kids? More and more gay men are turning to adoption and surrogacy to start their own families.

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Seven Core Issues in Adoption and Permanency: A Comprehensive Guide to Promoting Understanding and Healing In Adoption, Foster Care, Kinship Families and Third Party Reproduction

Based on a hugely successful US model, the Seven Core Issues in Adoption is the first conceptual framework of its kind to offer a unifying lens that was inclusive of all individuals touched by the adoption experience.

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Adjusting to Parenthood