By Desiree Jury
In the late 20th century, work, school, social and personal demands which had previously been structured and sequential—analog—went suddenly digital.
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When one hears a chant like Aum Namoh Bhagvate Vasudevaya, it is not a Grammy award ceremony that comes to mind as the setting of such chanting; but that is precisely what Krishna Das has been able to do—take cherished age-old Indian kirtans to a global stage such as the Grammys.
He’s driven a school bus, dabbled in the blues, and meditated in the jungles and ashrams of India, but today Krishna Das is known as the King of Kirtan.
Amma’s advice for couples.
A focus on the present, dubbed “mindfulness,” can make you happier and healthier. Training to deepen your immersion in the moment works by improving attention
Wherever attention goes the rest of the brain follows—in some sense, attention is your brain’s boss. But is it a good boss and can we train it?
In all kinds of relationships, people have conflict and disagreements and hurt one another's feelings. What determines the success of the relationship is the way people deal with conflict, the nature of their friendship and intimacy, and their shared meaning system.
Unless you’re a hermit, you can’t avoid relationships. And your professional career certainly won’t go anywhere if you don’t know how to build strong, positive connections. Leaders need to connect deeply with followers if they hope to engage and inspire them.
Couples are having less sex these days than even in the famously uptight ’50s. Why?
Fear, despite its unique power, is just another mental distraction.
Relationship success requires us to follow this counter-intuitive rule.