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Playing Through the Pain

By Kristin Lewis — 2013

How one teen is using her tragic injury to take down the warrior culture in sports.

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To Train an Athlete, Add 12 Minutes of Meditation to the Daily Mix

If athletes practice meditation for a few minutes a day, they may become better able to withstand the mental demands of hours of strenuous physical training

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Meditation Coaches, the Next Frontier in Major League Sports

Athletes and teams looking for an extra edge are turning to mindfulness and mental-skills training to improve performance and well-being.

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Are You Addicted to Doing?

When work life is overwhelming, we can get stuck in a loop of "busyness"—keeping the mind occupied with tasks to avoid work, which increases our stress levels. Explore these mindfulness tips to slow down so you can get more done.

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5 Mindful Ways to Approach Challenges at Work

A steady dose of toxic energy in the workplace encourages valuable team members to update their resumes rather than their to-do lists.

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Athlete Well-Being