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Inside Silicon Valley’s New Non-Religion: Consciousness Hacking

By Kevin Gray — 2017

I saw spiritual attainment and I thought, ‘That does not need to be religious. That can be scientific.’

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Largest Ever Psychedelics Study Maps Changes of Conscious Awareness to Neurotransmitter Systems

In the world’s largest study on psychedelics and the brain, a team of researchers from The Neuro (Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital) and Department of Biomedical Engineering of McGill University, the Broad Institute at Harvard/MIT, SUNY Downstate Health Sciences University, and Mila—Quebec...

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Pseudo-Hallucinations: Why Some People See More Vivid Mental Images than Others—Test Yourself Here

Ganzflicker is known to elicit the experience of anomalous sensory information in the external environment, called pseudo-hallucinations.

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Scientists Say A Mind-Bending Rhythm In The Brain Can Act Like Ketamine

In mice and one person, scientists were able to reproduce the altered state often associated with ketamine by inducing certain brain cells to fire together in a slow, rhythmic fashion.

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The Lama in the Lab: Neuroscience and Meditation

Daniel Goleman reports on the Dalai Lama and the dialog between science and Buddhism, especially on how neuroscientists are measuring the effects of meditation.

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How Are The Mind & The Brain Different? A Neuroscientist Explains

So what exactly is the difference between the mind and the brain? Well, the mind is separate, yet inseparable from, the brain. The mind uses the brain, and the brain responds to the mind.

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Scientists Show How LSD Blows Open the Doors of Perception

The drug lowers brain barriers, allowing distant regions to talk and thoughts to flow more freely.

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How We All Could Benefit from Synaesthesia

Developing the mysterious condition in the 96% of people who do not have it may help to improve learning skills, aid recovery from brain injury and guard against mental decline in old age

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Is Synesthesia a Brain Disorder?

In a provocative review paper, French neuroscientists Jean-Michel Hupé and Michel Dojat question the assumption that synesthesia is a neurological disorder.

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It’s Great to Be ‘In the Zone’ — While Working, Exercising and Creating Art. Here’s How to Get There.

In the 1960s, psychologist Abraham Maslow became the first academic to write about what he called “peak experiences,” moments of elation that come from pushing ourselves in challenging tasks.

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Science Can Help You Reach Enlightenment—but Will It Mess with Your Head?

For a long time, research into flow states was subjective—researchers had to rely on people’s self-reported experiences to understand altered states of mind.

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Science and Spirituality