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Female Athletes Confront Body Image

By Danilea Brighenti — 2016

At least one athlete on each team said either she or a teammate had struggled or continues to struggle with eating disorders or body image issues during college.

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Combating Depression and Anxiety in Sports

Recent tragedies reveal the silent stigma in sports.

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Mind, Body and Sport: The Psychiatrist Perspective

Many changes are taking place in our culture that influence the mental and emotional well-being of today’s student-athletes. The pressure associated with student-athletes’ daily routine can create intense emotional responses.

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Why It Matters that More Athletes Are Talking about Their Mental Health

Experts I spoke with for this story pointed to a couple of reasons professional athletes are particularly susceptible to mental health issues.

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'Mentally, That's a Whole 'Nother Ball Game'

Simone Biles is one of many elite athletes dealing with the psychological impact of the pandemic. From the Olympics to the major pro leagues, athletes are finding different ways to cope.

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