By Richard B. Williams — 2018
Jackson is not only the greatest NBA coach ever, he is Swift Eagle: an honorable and generous man whom all of the world can look up to.
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All managers know that they need to help their employees through challenging times. But almost no manager is prepared for when one of their direct reports announces that he or she has cancer, despite the fact that more than 1.6 million people will be diagnosed this year.
In this article, we argue that there is one essential area where companies can create enormous social value: job satisfaction. Because of the connection between happiness at work and overall life satisfaction, improving employee happiness could make a material difference to the world’s 2.
Why some are always trying to please people at work while others are looking for a fight.
It’s natural to get defensive, but that only escalates the cycle of aggression.
Figuring out what to say—or what not to say—can feel daunting.
When a coworker is diagnosed with cancer, most people simply don’t know what to say. Speechless is the usual reaction.