By Richard B. Williams — 2018
Jackson is not only the greatest NBA coach ever, he is Swift Eagle: an honorable and generous man whom all of the world can look up to.
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When Peter Keating took off from the starting line at the Boston Marathon, it was the realization of a dream come true, but he never imagined just how unique his 26.2-mile trek would be.
You’ve probably heard of culture shock, the feeling of disorientation a person feels when faced with another culture, way of life, or set of attitudes. For me, it was twofold: I was in a new country and I was a new mom, two ways in which my own life suddenly felt utterly unfamiliar.
Focusing on past U.S. presidents, Goodwin highlights key traits of a successful leader. “Even though problems change over time,” Goodwin says, “there are indeed traits that are held inalterable by our most successful leaders.”