By Richard B. Williams — 2018
Jackson is not only the greatest NBA coach ever, he is Swift Eagle: an honorable and generous man whom all of the world can look up to.
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Many argue the Black American struggle for freedom and justice in the 20th century was facilitated mainly via two paths: faith (the church) and the law (the courtroom).
On the one hand, Americans see themselves as the great international melting pot that welcomes huddled masses of all religions and ethnic backgrounds. On the other hand, they’re terrified that too much diversity mixed in the pot will dilute our white Christian majority.
Many Latino activists have sought to create understanding for Black Lives Matter within their community by emphasizing the societal inequalities both groups face and how their prosperity is tied.
“The history is what the history is. And it is disrespectful, to white people, to soften the history.”
Cultural appropriation in fashion plays a huge role in the continued dismissal of indigenous cultures as primitive, dismisses indigenous people as playthings, and perpetuates the idea that we are relics of the past.