By Hugh Delehant — 1994
A Buddhist practitioner for twenty years, Phil Jackson revolutionized coaching by leading with a Zen approach to the sport that centers on awareness training, selfless teamwork, and “aggressiveness without anger.”
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“Let us become silent that we may hear the whispers of the gods … There is guidance for each of us, and by lowly listening we shall hear the right word. - Ralph Waldo Emerson
With Buddha’s Heart, senior meditation teacher Stephen Snyder reveals an original and clear path to the powerful brahmavihāras. These practices offer rich, soothing support for the soul and a portal to spiritual awakening and deepening self-realization.
As soon as you disbelieve a thought that is creating one of your unwanted emotions, that emotion will instantly dissolve.
Travelling overseas is all about excitement and adventure, right? For the most part, yes. But there will be highs and lows, all part of having a one-of-a-kind overseas experience.
Originally published in 1903, James Allen’s As a Man Thinketh reveals the fundamental truth of human nature: “A man is literally what he thinks.” Allen’s deceptively simple principle has changed the lives of millions of readers, making As a Man Thinketh a classic bestseller for decades.
Nightline anchor Dan Harris embarks on an unexpected, hilarious, and deeply skeptical odyssey through the strange worlds of spirituality and self-help, and discovers a way to get happier that is truly achievable.
If your thoughts are positive, but yet you feel negative, what do you do about it? This video explains what to do and what not to do in order to feel good.