By Hugh Delehant — 1994
A Buddhist practitioner for twenty years, Phil Jackson revolutionized coaching by leading with a Zen approach to the sport that centers on awareness training, selfless teamwork, and “aggressiveness without anger.”
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There are two essential elements to the spiritual path says this popular teacher from the lineage of Chögyam Trungpa: understanding that you’re already enlightened, already perfect in wisdom right here and now, and accessing that natural wakefulness through spiritual practice.
It’s no wonder that The Power of Now has sold over 2 million copies worldwide and has been translated into over 30 foreign languages.
The Enlightenment Process describes the process of enlightenment as the gradual realization of our most subtle dimension of unified, all-pervasive consciousness.
Just as water runs naturally downhill … just as leaves float naturally to the ground … we can all settle naturally into meditation. Not trying, just allowing—not doing, just being. The key is effortlessness.
A new perspective on the overused and misunderstood concept of “karma” that offers the key to happiness and enlightenment, from the world-renowned spiritual master Sadhguru. What is karma? Most people understand karma as a balance sheet of good and bad deeds, virtues and sins.
Tara, the feminine embodiment of enlightened activity, is a Buddhist deity whose Tibetan name means "liberator," signaling her ability to liberate beings from the delusion and ignorance that keep them trapped in ever-recurring patterns of negativity.
An important Christian philosopher contends that if human energy is channeled in the right direction, "upward and outward," spiritual energy as a motor force in the universe will outdistance technological advance.
This sneak peak with Acharya Gaylon Ferguson is from the Science of Meditation online summit. You can sign up for the whole 5 day summit which runs Oct. 19-23, free right here:
Spiritual practice is not some kind of striving to produce enlightenment, but an expression of the enlightenment already inherent in all things: Such is the Zen teaching of Dogen Zenji (1200–1253) whose profound writings have been studied and revered for more than seven hundred years, influencing...
“The ultimate goal in the pursuit of excellence is enlightenment.” Robert M. Pirsig wrote this unpublished line in 1962 while a patient at Downey Veteran Administration Hospital in Illinois, where he was admitted as a psychiatric patient.