By Robert C. Eklund, J.D. Defreese — 2017
Athlete burnout is a cognitive-affective syndrome characterized by perceptions of emotional and physical exhaustion, reduced accomplishment, and devaluation of sport.
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Michelle Kwan may be one of the best figure skaters of all time, but it’s her incredible resolve that made her such an inspiration to fellow skater Gracie Gold. In this video, Gracie tells Michelle: “You once estimated that you’ve fallen 131,000 times in your skating career.
In the first part of The National’s series Battling Burnout, Canadian author and workplace expert Rahaf Harfoush tells Andrew Chang that pressures in the modern workplace are distorting our identities by often placing success at work at the expense of mental and physical well-being.
Many of my peers and I have been experiencing some more-intense-than-usual academic burnout—here to put my thoughts out there and hopefully help people feel less alone.
This book is about hope and a call to action to make the world the kind of place we want to live in.
Zen Athlete demystifies the art of mental training, flow and peak performance. At its core Zen Athlete is a practical guide to self mastery.
Being diagnosed with cancer and undergoing treatment can impact a patient's mental well-being. This video discusses anxiety and general mood as it can relate to a cancer experience.
Financial hardship often accompanies a cancer diagnosis. Linda shares her experiences and insights about managing questions with employment and finances that often accompany a cancer diagnosis.
Working with the circuitry of the brain to restore emotional health and well-being.
This book introduces the breakthrough concept of STSD (Sport Traumatic Stress Disorder). Grand and Goldberg have discovered that STSDs are the cause of most significant performance problems.
Welcome to the world of women’s gymnastics and figure skating—the real world that happens away from the cameras, at the training camps and in the private lives of these talented teenage competitors.