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When Did Competitive Sports Take Over American Childhood?

By Hilary Levey Friedman — 2013

It all started in 1852, when Massachusetts became the first state to require kids to go to school.

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My boyfriend’s debut as an openly gay jockey showed it’s time sport stamped out homophobia for good and gave ALL LGBT athletes the chance to go for gold

Representation is crucial. It shows LGBT people that they can live the life they want, regardless of their sexuality. It tells them they can be successful in their chosen career, whether that’s sport or business, irrespective of how they were born.

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For Ku Stevens, Running Is a ‘Profound Act’

his fall, Ku Stevens became the fastest cross-country runner in Nevada. But he would be running even if he wasn’t winning.

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Your Top Rival Can Be Your Biggest Ally

Friendly competition can expand the “win” pie and enhance your performance.

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After Not Feeling ‘Queer Enough’ Kept Him Closeted, Pro Wrestler Logan Black Found Camaraderie in Coming Out

Out pro wrestler Logan Black found the response to his coming out ‘overwhelming in the best way.’

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Olympic Swimmer Nathan Adrian on Testicular Cancer Diagnosis: I ‘Felt Betrayed by My Own Body’

For the first time in forever, Nathan Adrian truly has no idea if he’ll have a strong swim Friday. And at this point, it doesn’t really matter to the five-time Olympic gold medalist. He’s simply elated to be back.

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I Was Betrayed by My Body

‘Skin cancer worked its way into my lymph nodes. I was devastated.’

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Mind, Body and Sport: How Being Injured Affects Mental Health

Injuries, while hopefully infrequent, are often an unavoidable part of sport participation. While most injuries can be managed with little to no disruption in sport participation and other activities of daily living, some impose a substantial physical and mental burden.

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Pain and the brain

Tracy Ward explores some of the neurological and behavioural changes that pain can bring about, and the implications for clinicians with athletes in their care.

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The language of pain

Pain and sport often go hand in hand. Physio Karen Litzy explains the best way to communicate with athletes about their pain experience.

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What's Your Pain Tolerance?

Everyone struggles with pain at some point, but how you tolerate pain can be up to you.

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Athlete Well-Being