By Camonghne Felix — 2021
“I should have quit way before Tokyo.”
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Many argue the Black American struggle for freedom and justice in the 20th century was facilitated mainly via two paths: faith (the church) and the law (the courtroom).
The preeminent sociologist Arlie Russell Hochschild discusses the control over one’s feelings needed to go to work every day during a pandemic.
Plenty of people love to describe the world of athletics in utopian terms, using words such as “colorblind” and “open-minded” and “meritocracy.” They’re not wrong to regard their realm as better than the so-called real world.
The cultural messages can be harsh, dehumanizing and constant
People who don’t feel the effects of racial injustice or discrimination in their daily lives sometimes struggle to understand the impact. But the harm can be severe.
The constant scrutiny into the runner’s medical history reveals what happens to women who don’t conform to stereotypes.
Close to 11% of American adults with Hispanic ancestors don’t even identify as Hispanic or Latino.
The black lesbian feminist writer and poet, who died 25 years ago, is better known than ever, her words often quoted in books and on social media.
Major speeches and letters from the life and career of South Africa’s first black president, organized by date, topic and readers’ favorites.
What began as a statement by an accused prisonor became, over the 29 minutes it took Mandela to deliver it, his best known and most important speech. It was a recounting of his story up to that point, an expression of his views and a morally forceful argument on behalf of his cause.