By Camonghne Felix — 2021
“I should have quit way before Tokyo.”
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According to ‘Stealing Fire’ authors Steven Kotler and Jamie Wheal, there’s a new $4 trillion high performance revolution fueling the Navy’s SEAL Team Six and high profile executives in Silicon Valley and Wall Street to the top of their game but no one on the mainstream level knows about it...
Sinewy and tanned from a life of outdoor pursuits, Mr. Wheal was offering attendees the chance to “upgrade” their nervous systems to meet this incontrovertible information overload. How? With “flow.” But what is flow?
“How many surf bums who can’t keep a job washing dishes will be up at 5 AM putting on a gritty, sandy wetsuit to paddle out in cold, sharky water for just one shot at a barrel? That’s motivation. If you could bottle that, then what’s possible?”
Long considered to be an elusive state that is found versus created, the idea of flow is seen by most as a mystical occurrence unlocked by athletes in fleeting moments or gurus who pursue enlightenment like a full-time job. Fortunately, it’s neither.