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Happy Together

By Gaylon Ferguson — 2011

When we stop focusing on ourselves, we begin to see that our happiness is dependent on the happiness of all beings. Gaylon Ferguson examines the political, social, and environmental implications.

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Hizmet Movement and Fethullah Gulen

In the late 1960s, or early 1970s, Turkish preacher Fethullah Gulen’s message of deep and practiced faith, altruism and action was being delivered against a backdrop of poverty, corruption and moral decay.

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Radical Regeneration: Birthing the New Human in the Age of Extinction

What is being made crystal clear is that humanity stands at a monumentally fragile threshold with two stark choices placed before it in a situation of complete uncertainty: Those choices are: 1) To continue to worship a vision of power, totally distanced from sacred reality 2) Or to choose the path...

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Mindfulness for All: The Wisdom to Transform the World

Kabat-Zinn's definitive 2005 book, Coming to Our Senses has been repackaged into 4 smaller books, each focusing on a different aspect of mindfulness, and each with a new foreword written by the author.

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