By Gaylon Ferguson — 2011
When we stop focusing on ourselves, we begin to see that our happiness is dependent on the happiness of all beings. Gaylon Ferguson examines the political, social, and environmental implications.
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Dorothy Day’s Loaves and Fishes tells the story of the movement that she cofounded in 1933, the Catholic Worker.
The Rev. Dr. William J. Barber II spoke on “Poverty, Health and Social Justice” Tuesday, Feb. 20, 2018. The joint Terry Sanford Distinguished Lecture and Boyarsky Lecture in Law, Medicine and Ethics coincided with the United Nations World Day of Social Justice.
In the mid-1920s, prompted by a “small, still voice” that encouraged him to lay bare what was known only to him and his God, Mohandas K. Gandhi began writing and publishing his autobiography.
Rev. angel Kyodo williams joins Ethan for a conversation around practicing radical Dharma, waking up to our privilege and bias, and finding opportunity for institutional change in our toxic political climate.
From Genesis to Revelation, the Bible proclaims justice and abundance for the poor. Yet these powerful passages about poverty are frequently overlooked and misinterpreted.
In this stirring call to arms, the activist, spiritual leader, and New York Times bestselling author of the classic A Return to Love confronts the cancerous politics of fear and divisiveness threatening the United States today, urging all spiritually aware Americans to return to—and act out of—our...
Marianne Williamson, Oprah’s spiritual adviser and presidential hopeful stops by to explain how there needs to be a change in people and politics. Williamson also talks about the ineffectiveness of ‘race based policies.’
ANGEL KYODO WILLIAMS - Radical Dharma: Talking Race, Love, and Liberation. Thrust into the Western socioeconomic framework that puts profit above all, coupled with a desire to perpetuate institutional existence, the Dharma has become beholden to commodification as inescapable and de rigueur.
Rabbi Dr. Shmuly Yanklowitz, President & Dean of Valley Beit Midrash interviews Rabbi Danya Ruttenberg on the topic of "Spirituality in Jewish Social Justice Activism."
In October, 2010, Alice Walker joined Googlers in Mountain View for a day of conversation and readings from her latest book of poetry, Hard Times Require Furious Dancing.