By Gaylon Ferguson — 2011
When we stop focusing on ourselves, we begin to see that our happiness is dependent on the happiness of all beings. Gaylon Ferguson examines the political, social, and environmental implications.
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Here’s what motivates someone to fight for social justice.
We’ve identified nearly 100 distinct methods of non-violent action that include physical, virtual and hybrid actions.
To truly achieve an equitable, fair, and greener future, we must defend Black lives and our climate future, together.
Activists and leaders cautioned that the path toward racial justice remains long.
Activism burnout is particularly rife among Black racial justice activists, not only because they are fighting a centuries-old fight, but they’re also experiencing something called racial battle fatigue.
Political activists—even the angry ones, but not the daring ones—are happier than the average person.
Don't underestimate young people's power to change the world.
Like legions of Black women before them, these four young activists are building a better tomorrow.
While some young people might not be able to vote yet, they are leveraging social media to educate themselves and their peers on social justice topics ranging from gun violence to racial justice to climate change.
As much as we want to dedicate ourselves fully to the causes that we’re passionate about, it’s not always possible.