By Susan Donaldson James — 2012
Silver Medalist and mother Judi Brown Clarke warns about overzealous parenting.
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“Use only that which works, and take it from any place you can find it.” ~ Bruce Lee The premise of his philosophy was efficiency—complete and utter efficiency of the soul.
Choosing a career isn’t easy, especially when your parents object to your proposed line of work. But sometimes, ignoring their advice and following your dreams can land you in the history books—just like these 15 people who followed their passions and made an impact.
How could I come home to my refugee parents, who worked seven days a week in their grocery store, and tell them that I wanted to read Jane Austen and the Romantic poets, and major in English, a language they didn’t speak in their own home?
I was one year into my Biology degree when I realized my passion in life was art. However, I knew my parents wouldn’t approve of me being an artist. If you’re on the same boat, keep reading.