By Susan Donaldson James — 2012
Silver Medalist and mother Judi Brown Clarke warns about overzealous parenting.
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Strength is a beautiful thing.
Body image issues are not unusual in athletes and can start at a young age. Negative consequences of poor body image include quitting sports, eating disorders, and low self esteem.
The culture of sports and athletics can be rewarding, but it doesn’t come without its risks.
Body image issues in athletes can come from a wide variety of sources: certain sports value specific weights and body types more than others, athletes will deal with puberty in different ways and some student athletes struggle with control in other areas of their lives, which can lead to body image...
Body image can be described as your personal evaluation of self and others, based on body weight, shape, size, and appearance. It is connected to self-esteem and self-worth.
Why are so many smart women falling for its harmful, pseudoscientific claims? At its core, wellness demonizes calorically dense and delicious foods.
Alanis Morissette struggled with eating disorders in her teens and 20s. But then she discovered how good it felt to treat her body right—and this fall she ran a marathon to prove it. Here, Morissette opens up about her long, winding road to becoming healthy.
Body image distress is often seen as a symptom of an eating disorder. However, not every person with an eating disorder has a problematic body image and many people who do not have eating disorders have poor body image.
Body image is defined as one’s thoughts, perceptions, and attitudes about their physical appearance. How do you see yourself and feel about your body (e.g., height, shape, and weight) when you look in the mirror?