By Les Carpenter — 2015
From Andre Agassi’s terrifying father to the dad who inspired a novel, half a dozen parents who just couldn’t let go.
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For more than half a century, Alejandro Jodorowsky has been revered as a master of the surreal—a puppeteer of grotesque fantasy and psychedelic excess.
When my mom developed dementia, my dad tried to deny it and I tried to fix it. We both failed.
1440: Is it true that on the whole we're not very good listeners? Harville: In the resting state, when we're not distracted, the research shows we have a 13–18% accuracy rate.
Most of us struggle at one time or another with an inability to feel what’s going on inside us at the level of emotion and energy flow. The technical term for this problem is “alexithymia.”
When you think of your mother, does your heart open with compassion or tighten with resentment? Do you allow yourself to feel her tenderness and care? The way we receive our mother’s love can be similar to how we experience love from a partner.
You can’t talk someone out of being in love with Darth Vader, and sadly, the worse it gets the more your friend might try to talk himself into trying to make it work because if there is a happy ending all the ways he’s had to abase himself to stay in the relationship will have been “worth it.
If something’s important enough to one or both of you enough to get heated about it, it’s probably important enough to get to the bottom of it together.
You don't always have to intervene, but if you decide to, make sure you have everyone's side of the story.
If you are dreading dealing with that one jerk relative or bracing yourself for an onslaught of intrusive questions and and awkward topics, here's a guide to keeping your cool and choosing your battles when everyone around you is making it weird.
Once you begin meditating daily, life as you knew it will begin to take on some interesting twists and turns.