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No One Transitions to Win in Sports. Period.

By Karleigh Webb — 2021

Myth making, policy making and never the twain should meet.

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Alok Vaid-Menon: ‘It’s Time for a New Beauty Paradigm’

One of life’s paradoxes is that we are encouraged to “be ourselves,” but are often punished when we do.

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‘Are You Ready to Heal?’: Nonbinary Activist Alok Vaid-Menon Deconstructs Gender

In a viral clip from the podcast “Man Enough,” the nonbinary poet and speaker said the gender binary hurts everyone—not just trans people.

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The Importance of Social Media When It Comes to LGBTQ Kids Feeling Seen

For LGBTQ youth in particular, the Internet can be a refuge—a safe place to feel less alone. For queer youth to feel normal, they need to see, read and hear the voices of others who look like them and use the same identifying labels.

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The Renegades

Queer culture and the arts would be much poorer without the presence and contribution of butch and stud lesbians, whose identity is both its own aesthetic and a defiant repudiation of the male gaze.

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With ‘No Fats, No Femmes,’ Fatima Jamal Aims for More than Just Visibility and Representation

“Representation and visibility is given to us by larger power structures, but what do we give ourselves? I’m more interested in that. What questions are we asking ourselves to grow and heal? To challenge the ways this world constantly teaches us to hate ourselves?”

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Welcome to Body Week

We’re exploring what it means to be queer and have a body, with essays about the ways our bodies are legislated and discriminated against, the strategies we’ve used to find belonging in them, and how we’re breaking down the stereotypes, preconceptions, and fetishization that many of us endure.

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Autistic People More Likely to Identify as LGBTQ

Studies vary widely on the percentage of people with autism who are gay, lesbian, or bisexual. One analysis suggested the rate is 15 to 35 percent among autistic people who do not have intellectual disability.

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The Person Is Political

LGBTQ legal strategy has long focused on equal protection. But if identity itself can be political speech, the First Amendment could be our future.

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LGBTQ+ Celebrities Making It Easier to Be Black, Out, and Proud

These black women and gender-nonconforming individuals have created a space for other young girls and nonbinary persons to feel seen and heard.

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The Risks of Coming Out at Work

Although society has made many strides in queer acceptance and visibility, coming out at work is still a monumental—and sometimes risky—task for many LGBTQ workers.

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Athlete Well-Being