By Chris Carr, Jamie Davidson
Over the past 20 years, the sports psychologist’s role in college sports has evolved more slowly than student-athletes’ needs.
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Whether you’ve recently moved to a new city or started a new job while working from home, making friends as an adult can be hard.
Learning how to make friends as a adult can be particularly difficult when you have ADHD. Readers share their real-world tips for striking up new friendships.
Blurting, rudeness, and poor impulse control were sabotaging friendships for this woman with attention deficit. By stepping back and taking stock, she learned how she looked to others — and turned the trend around to improve her social skills.
Whether you collect new friends easily or lean on a few, long-term friendships dating back to kindergarten, there’s no wrong way to build relationships. This is true especially for people with ADHD, who often report that their symptoms complicate, challenge, and color friendships.
If you have ADHD, you might find it hard to date, make friends, or parent. That’s partly because good relationships require you to be aware of other people's thoughts and feelings. But ADHD can make it hard for you to pay attention or react the right way.
Here are 10 ways to offer healthy support without draining yourself or neglecting your own needs, whether you’re in a long-term relationship or just stared dating someone with ADHD.
Businesses that find out more about about the characteristics of those on the autistic spectrum can optimise their strengths and help them to contribute hugely to the output of their teams.
Individuals who have ADHD can be excellent and even inspired employees when placed in the right job with the correct structures in place.
When I retired from clinical practice several years ago, I let go into the unknown. I felt tentative, uncertain, yet knowing intuitively that I needed to heed the call.
Knowing and articulating your approach to working with others can be an asset on the job market, writes Joseph Stanhope Cialdella.