By Nike Content Team — 2020
What’s the X factor that makes the world’s greatest athletes great? Find out —and learn how to discover it within yourself.
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Having a meaningful, long-term goal is good for your well-being. Here’s how to find one.
What if there was a way to neutralize the negative effects of digital distraction and increase happiness, health, and creativity in the process? In this piece, Brian Solis gives us a practical, playful, and incredibly powerful approach for doing just that
Neuroscientists have found several ways in which the brains of top-notch athletes seem to function better than those of regular folks.
Elite athletes are known for their exceptional physiology. Arguably, their superior strength, power, endurance and biomechanics all play a key role in enabling their success.
Athletes who have endured the most grueling tests have a lot to tell us about how to thrive in the pandemic.
No one can force you to eat right and exercise, so you must use self-discipline to get up off the couch and throw away that bag of chips.
Fitness goals are important on several counts. They hold us accountable, expand our definition of possible, and encourage us to push through temporary discomfort for longer-lasting change. But figuring out how to set fitness goals you’ll actually want to attain can be part art, part science.
You are just a few small adjustments away from achieving your goals.
Focusing on yourself can feel weird at first, but stick to your guns. Snatch up that free time, figure out your goals, and then head off in the right direction with your own priorities in mind
Staying on task can be difficult, but it can be particularly challenging when you are surrounded by constant distraction. In today's always-connected world, diversions are nothing more than a click away.