By Nike Content Team — 2020
What’s the X factor that makes the world’s greatest athletes great? Find out —and learn how to discover it within yourself.
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When an ADHD brain leaves one task to go to another, and then back again, they may have a difficult time finding their footing in what they were doing in that original task, AND not have the motivation to begin it.
Michael A. Freeman had long noticed that entrepreneurs seem inclined to have mental health issues. Freeman and California-Berkeley psychology professor Sheri Johnson decided to take a deeper look at the issue.
Feel like you can never focus deeply? You’re probably not meeting these needs for continued attention.
Look more closely and you’ll see.
Michael Phelps, hailed as the greatest Olympian ever, has attention deficit hyperactivity disorder. Can his, and others’, success be used help inspire younger people?
In recent years across the U.S., there’s been a consistent increase in the number of children and adults diagnosed with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
Athletes with ADHD tend to perform better in sports that require hyper focus, i.e. short and intense bursts of attention.
Work can cause many frustrations for those with attention deficit disorder (ADD) or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Here are some tips and strategies for making your work life easier and more productive.
If you’re going to procrastinate, you might as well read this.