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Many LGBTQ Seniors Don’t Get the Health and End-of-Life Care They Need. Some Coloradans Are Working to Change That

By Claire Cleveland — 2021

According to a study recently published in The Gerontologist, older people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender or queer often face discrimination during end-of-life care. They’re also more likely to have their health care wishes ignored or disregarded.

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Models Chella Man and Aaron Philip Demand Better Representation for Disabled Communities

Models and best friends Chella Man and Aaron Philip are challenging fashion ideals. The two discuss growing up feeling excluded and invisible and detail the bravery it takes to be the change you want to see.

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How Lorenza Bottner’s Prescient Art Created Space for Disabled and Trans People

At Documenta 14, the 2017 edition of the touted art festival that takes place once every five years in Kassel, it was an artist heretofore unknown to much of the art world who stole the show: Lorenza Böttner, a German painter, dancer, and performance artist who, in the ’80s and ’90s, began...

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Too Many Gay Men Still Hate Their Bodies

It’s no secret that certain segments of the gay community hold high, near-oppressive standards of what counts as sexually attractive. Countless gay men have struggled to see themselves within it as a result.

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Their Time

After generations in the shadows, the intersex rights movement has a message for the world: We aren’t disordered and we aren’t ashamed.

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The Importance of Social Media When It Comes to LGBTQ Kids Feeling Seen

For LGBTQ youth in particular, the Internet can be a refuge—a safe place to feel less alone. For queer youth to feel normal, they need to see, read and hear the voices of others who look like them and use the same identifying labels.

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The Renegades

Queer culture and the arts would be much poorer without the presence and contribution of butch and stud lesbians, whose identity is both its own aesthetic and a defiant repudiation of the male gaze.

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With ‘No Fats, No Femmes,’ Fatima Jamal Aims for More than Just Visibility and Representation

“Representation and visibility is given to us by larger power structures, but what do we give ourselves? I’m more interested in that. What questions are we asking ourselves to grow and heal? To challenge the ways this world constantly teaches us to hate ourselves?”

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Why Do So Many Gay and Bisexual Men Struggle With Body Image?

What began as a proud assertion of identity has itself become a trope; the stereotype of a gay man now is one who goes to the gym and takes care of himself.

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Why Body Image Issues Pervade the Gay Community

Body image issues aren’t unique to bi or gay men, but toxic thoughts pertaining to self-worth and physical care have become dangerously prevalent within the MSM (men seeking men) community.

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Discussing Body Image in the Context of the LGBTQIA+ Community

Body image is particularly important to discuss in the context of the LGBTQIA+ community, due to the prevalence of eating disorders and similar issues that disproportionately impact those who identify as LGBTQIA+.

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